Dress Up Games for Kids

Dress up games for kids is a collection of entertainment for kids to play and enjoy.This dress up games which is not only for boys,but also for girls too.With this fun free dress up games you will get a smart little boy named Micky, with variety of hair styles, shirts, shorts, shoes, specs.You can change the smile, hand position and the background image.
Developed by MickyAppz

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Unique Features

Let's make Micky talk back to you in a funny voice when we talk to Micky.

Micky Dressup Games

Play with micky to make dress up him with awesome outfits

Educational Games

Micky comes with lot odf educational valuess addon inside the application.

Fully Customisable

Make your own customisation with the essentials provided in the app.

dress up games for kids app

Shake the
To Play sounds

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Simple UI
Makes Easy Navigation

With simple UI helps users make easily navigate to each app feature.

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Featured Screens

Let's checkout Party Girl Dressup Games screenshots

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